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Klein, D. E., Woods, D. D., Klein, G., & Perry, S. J. (2016). Can we trust best practices? Six cognitive challenges of evidence-based approaches. Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, 10(3), 244-254.

Klein, G. & Borders, J. (2016). The ShadowBox approach to cognitive skills training. Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, 10(3), 268-280.


Klein, G., Hoffman, R., & Militello, L. (2016, May). Naturalistic Decision Making + Macrocognition. Cognitia, 22(2), 3-5.


Lande, B., & Klein, G. (2016, March). Moving the needle: The science of good police-citizen encounters. The Police Chief, 83(3), 28-33.


Klein, G., & Wright, C. (2016). Macrocognition: From theory to toolbox. Frontiers in Psychology, 7(54).


Patterson, M. D., Militello, L. G., Bunger, A., Taylor, R.G., Wheeler, D. S., Klein, G., & Geis, G. L. (2016). Leveraging the critical decision method to develop simulation-based training for early recognition of sepsis. Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, 10(1), 36-56.




Klein, G., Klein, H. A., Borders, J., Whitacre, J. C., & Lande, B. (2015, November). Police and military as good strangers. Paper presented at the Human Factors and Ergonomics Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA.


Klein, G. (2015). A naturalistic decision making perspective on intuitive decision making. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 4(3), 164-168.


Borders, J., Polander, N., Klein, G., & Wright, C. (2015). ShadowBox: Flexible training to impart the expert mindset. Procedia Manufacturing, 3, 1574-1579. 


Klein, G. (2015). Reflections on applications of naturalistic decision making. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 88(2), 382-386.


Klein, G. (2015). Whose fallacies? Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, 9(1), 55-58.


Klein, G., Borders, J., Wright, C., & Newsome, E. (2015, June). An empirical evaluation of the ShadowBox training method. Paper presented at the 12th International Conference on Naturalistic Decision Making, McLean, VA.


Klein, G., Klein, H. A., Lande, B., Borders, J., & Whitacre, J. C. (2015). Police and military as good strangers. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 88(2), 231-250.


Moon, B. M., Baxter, H. C., & Klein, G. (2015, June). Expertise management: Challenges for adopting Naturalistic Decision Making as a knowledge management paradigm. Paper presented at the 12th International Conference on Naturalistic Decision Making, McLean, VA.


Newsome, E., Wright, C., Klein, G., Flory, J., & Baker, A. (2015). ShadowBox as a tool for capturing mindsets in frontline social workers. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 59(1), 816-820.




Klein, G., Klein, H. A., Lande, B., Borders, J., & Whitacre, J. C. (2014, September). The Good Stranger frame for police and military activities. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 58(1), 275-279.


Klein, G., Rasmussen, L., Lin, M. H., Hoffman, R. R., & Case, J. (2014). Influencing preferences for different types of causal explanation of complex events. Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 56(8), 1380-1400.


Roth, E. M., O’Hara, J., Bisantz, A., Endsley, M. R., Hoffman, R., Klein, G., Militelo, L., & Pfautz, J. D. (2014, September). Discussion panel: How to recognize a “good” Cognitive Task Analysis? In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 58(1), 320-324.


Zsambok, C. E., & Klein, G. (2014). Naturalistic decision making (2nd ed.). Psychology Press.




Klein, G. (2013). Seeing what others don’t: The remarkable ways we gain insights. New York, NY: PublicAffairs.


Klein, G., Hintze, N., & Saab, D. (2013). Thinking inside the box. The ShadowBox method for cognitive skill development. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Naturalistic Decision Making, Marseille, France.


Militello, L. G., & Klein, G. (2013). Decision-centered design. The Oxford handbook of cognitive engineering (pp. 261-271). New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.


Klein, H. A., Jackson, S. M., Street, K., Whitacre, J., & Klein, G. (2013). Diabetes self-management education: Miles to go. Nursing Research and Practice, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/581012




Fadde, P. & Klein, G. (2012). Accelerating expertise using action learning activities. Cognitive Technology, 17(1), 11-18.


Flach, J. M., Hale, C. R., Hoffman, R. R., Klein, G., & Veinott, B. (2012, September). Approaches to cognitive bias in serious games for critical thinking. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 56(1), 272-276.


Klein, G. (2012). Better decisions: A two-way street. The Society of Petroleum Engineers, 27-28.




Hoffman, R. R., Klein, G., & Miller, J. (2011). Naturalistic investigations and models of reasoning about complex indeterminate causation. Information, Knowledge, Systems Management, 10(1-4), 397-425.


Klein, G. (2011). Critical thoughts about critical thinking. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics

Science, 12(3), 210-224.


Klein, G. (2011). Expert intuition and naturalistic decision making. Handbook of intuition research, 69-78.


Klein, G., & Jarosz, A. (2011). A naturalistic study of insight. Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, 5, 335-351.


Nemeth, C., & Klein, G. (2011). The naturalistic decision making perspective. In Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.




Fadde, P. J., & Klein, G. A. (2010). Deliberate performance: Accelerating expertise in natural settings. Performance Improvement, 49(9), 5-14.


Klein, G. (2010). Macrocognitive measures for evaluating cognitive work. In E.S. Patterson & J.E. Miller (Eds.) Macrocognition metrics and scenarios: Design and evaluation for

real-world teams. Ashgate.


Klein, G., Calderwood, R., & Clinton-Cirocco, A. (2010). Rapid decision making on the fire

ground: The original study plus a postscript. Journal of Cognitive Engineering and

Decision Making, 4, 186-209.


Klein, G., Mueller, S., Rasmussen, L., & Hoffman, R. (2010). Naturalistic model of causal reasoning: Developing an experiential user guide (EUG) to understand fusion algorithms and simulation models. Applied Research Associates, Inc. Fairborn, OH.


Klein, G., Wiggins, S., & Dominguez, C. (2010). Team sensemaking. Theoretical Issues in

Ergonomic Science, 11(4), 304-320.


Klein, G., Snowden, D., & Pin, C. L. (2010). Anticipatory thinking. In K. Mosier & U. Fischer (Eds.), Informed knowledge: Expert performance in complex situations. London, UK: Psychology Press.


Patterson, R. E., Pierce, B. J., Bell, H. H., & Klein, G. (2010). Implicit learning, tacit knowledge, expertise development, and naturalistic decision making. Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, 4(4), 289-303.




Hoffman, R. R., Feltovich, P. J., Fiore, S. M., Klein, G., & Ziebell, D. (2009). Accelerated learning (?). Intelligent Systems, IEEE, 24(2), 18-22.


Kahneman, D., & Klein, G. (2009). Conditions for intuitive expertise: A failure to disagree.

American Psychologist, 64, 515-526.


Klein, G. (2009). Streetlights and shadows: Searching for the keys to adaptive decision making. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.


Klein, G., & Hoffman, R. (2009). Causal reasoning: Initial report of a naturalistic study of

causal inferences. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Naturalistic

Decision Making, London, U.K. 


Militello, L. G., Dominguez, C. O., Lintern, G., & Klein, G. (2010). The role of cognitive systems engineering in the systems engineering design process. Systems Engineering, 13(3), 261-273.




Klein, G. (2008). Naturalistic decision making. Human Factors, 50(3), 456-460.


Klein, G., & Hoffman, R. R. (2008). Macrocognition, mental models, and cognitive task analysis methodology. In J. M. Schraagen, L. G. Militello, T. Ormerod, & R. Lipshitz (Eds.), Naturalistic decision making and macrocognition, (pp. 57-80). Hampshire, UK: Ashgate.




Klein, G. (2007). Performing a project premortem. Harvard Business Review, 85(9), 18-19.


Klein, G., Phillips, J. K., Rall, E., & Peluso, D. A. (2007). A data-frame theory of sensemaking. In R. R. Hoffman (Ed.), Expertise out of context. Mahweh, NJ: Erlbaum.


Laplante, P., Hoffman, R. R., & Klein, G. (2007). Antipatterns in the creation of intelligent systems. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 22(1), 91-95.


Sieck, W. R., Klein, G., Peluso, D. A., Smith, J. L., Harris-Thompson, D., & Gade, P. A. (2007). FOCUS: A model of sensemaking. Klein Associates, Inc. Fairborn, OH.


Stuart, N. A., Schultz, D. M., & Klein, G. (2007). Maintaining the role of humans in the forecast process: Analyzing the psyche of expert forecasters. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 88(12), 1893-1898.




Crandall, B., Klein, G., & Hoffman, R.R. (2006). Working minds: A practitioner’s guide to

cognitive task analysis. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.


Klein, G. (2006). The strengths and limitations of teams for detecting problems. Cognition, Technology & Work, 8(4), 227-236.


Klein, G., & Baxter, H. C. (2006, December). Cognitive transformation theory: Contrasting cognitive and behavioral learning. In Interservice/Industry Training Systems and Education Conference, Orlando, Florida.


Klein, G., Moon, B., & Hoffman, R. R. (2006a). Making sense of sensemaking 1: Alternative perspectives. IEEE intelligent systems, 21(4), 70-73.


Klein, G., Moon, B., & Hoffman, R. R. (2006b). Making sense of sensemaking 2: A macrocognitive model. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 21(5), 88-92.


Lipshitz, R., Klein, G., & Carroll, J. S. (2006). Introduction to the special issue. Naturalistic decision making and organizational decision making: Exploring the intersections. Organization Studies, 27(7), 917-923.




Klein, G. (2005). The power of intuition. New York, NY: A Currency Book/Doubleday. Hardcover edition entitled Intuition at work (2004).


Klein, G., Feltovich, P. J., Bradshaw, J. M., & Woods, D. D. (2005). Common ground and coordination in joint activity. Organizational simulation, 53.


Klein, G., Pliske, R. M., Crandall, B., & Woods, D. (2005). Problem detection. Cognition,

Technology, and Work, 7, 14-28.


Ross, K. G., Lussier, J. W., & Klein, G. (2005). From the recognition primed decision model to training. The routines of decision making, 327-332.




Alvarado, C. J., Cao, C., Klein, G., Weinger, M. B., Patterson, E., Cook, R. I., & Carayon, P. (2004, September). Panel: The role of Human Factors in Healthcare–2020. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 48(15), 1764-1767.


Baxter, H. C., Phillips, J., Shafer, J., Klein, G., & Mosier, K. (2004). MINDPRINT: Developing the Soldiers and Leaders of Objective Force and Beyond (No. M770). Klein Associates, Inc. Fairborn, OH.


Klein, G., Woods, D. D., Bradshaw, J. M., Hoffman, R. R., & Feltovich, P. J. (2004). Ten

challenges for making automation a "team player" in joint human-agent activity. IEEE

Intelligent Systems, 19(6), 91-95.


Phillips, J. K., Klein, G., & Sieck, W. R. (2004). Expertise in judgment and decision making: A case for training intuitive decision skills. In D. J. Koehler & N. Harvey (Eds.), Blackwell handbook of judgment & decision making (pp. 297-315). Victoria, Australia: Blackwell Publishing.


Pliske, R. M., Crandall, B., & Klein, G. (2004). Competence in weather forecasting. In J.

Shanteau, P. Johnson & K. Smith (Eds.), Psychological investigations of competent decision making. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press.


Ross, K. G., Klein, G. A., Thunholm, P., Schmitt, J. F., & Baxter, H. C. (2004).The recognition-primed decision model. Army Combined Arms Center Fort Leavenworth KS, Military Review.


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